What To Do After a Fire

Fire Damage – From the structure of a home to all items kept in it, fires will destroy pretty much anything in their path. Your skilled Paul Davis team can completely assess the extent of your fire damage, repair your home, and clean up or replace your personal belongings. Typically, fire damage is accompanied by water used by firefighters. We will also clean up this water and treat those rooms for mold. Our goal is to get any property back to normal quickly after fire damage. Smoke Damage – While most people think about the damage caused by the fire itself, it's not the only kind of damage related to a fire. Damage from smoke can appear in nearly any area of your home. Paul Davis trained cleanup specialists can locate all areas where smoke is present, remove the odor, and purify the air in that area. If your home has been damaged by smoke, the most important decision you can make is calling the team at your local Paul Davis Restoration. Why Paul Davis Restoration? Our team has all the necessary tools to help put any home back together after fire or smoke damage. You'll always receive prompt service and personalized attention when you call us. Please call us today to find out more about fire damage restoration Brandon FL and how we can help you recover from a fire.